Financial Support Covid-19

Bolton’s Money Skills Service have put together a list of articles from websites providing really useful hints and tips for people who may be struggling financially due to the Covid-19 situation.
Money Saving Expert
> Cutting Your costs, fighting your corner
Coronavirus help and advice – sick pay, mortgages, rental help, train refunds, energy top ups and more
The Money Advice Service
> Coronavirus – what it means for you and what you are entitled to
Guides on sick pay, benefits & helpful tips if you're facing a drop in income…
- Create an emergency budget
- Check your insurance policies
- Use your savings if you have any
- Talk to your creditors if you think you are going to miss payments
- Problems paying your rent or mortgage
Step Change Debt Charity
> Coronavirus, Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) and claiming benefits
Coronavirus has caused a lot of uncertainty around many things, including benefits and SSP.
National Debt Helpline
> Debt Advice charity run by the Money Advice Trust
- Get advice by calling 0808 808 4000 or webchat with an adviser
- Digital advice tool to help you with your budgeting and debts
Online Benefit Guidance
> How benefits work, how to claim and benefit calculators that show you what you will be entitled to.
Turn 2 Us
> Gain access to welfare benefits, charitable grants and other funds
Coronavirus Finance & Bills Help
> Energy bill help, incl how to top up prepaid meters
> Waste less energy. Start saving money
Save £163 by just following energy high 5 tips from Utilita
> Energy saving tips from Energy Saving Trust
Make your money last longer
Are you on a water meter? Tips to save money
If you are self isolating or indeed home more than normal, check out these handy tips on how to reduce your water bill…
- Water saving tips from United Utilities
- Easy ways to save water at home from Good Housekeeping
- Water saving tips from Yorkshire Water
Local support available in Bolton
Bolton’s Money Skills Service
If you are struggling financially at this difficult time, Bolton’s Money Skills Service offer free, confidential and impartial services to people who live, work or study in the Bolton area:
- homelessness prevention advice and assistance for mortgage and rent arrears
- dealing with Council Tax and fuel arrears
- affordable and realistic payment arrangements negotiated
- advice and assistance with court forms including Debt Relief Orders (DRO), Individual Voluntary Arrangements (IVA), Bankruptcy
Save on gas and electric costs
We can also help you get a better deal either by changing tariff or switching energy supplier. Average savings are around £200 per year.
You need the below details from current energy bill/statement for switching
- Tariff name from current supplier (including any exit fees)
- Current payment method
- Annual consumption – number of units used for gas and electricity
You can also contact Uswitch on 0800 688 8244 to switch supplier over the phone or do it online via their website.
Call Bolton’s Money Skills Service on 01204 33 1965 between 10am and 4pm.
We are still taking referrals and completing appointments over the telephone.
For advice around saving money on your gas and electric please call: 01204 33 1983.
Support also available:
Citizens Advice Bureau (Drop-In currently closed)
If you can’t pay your bills because of coronavirus
Find out how coronavirus (COVID-19) affects your work, sick pay and your holiday & what to do if you can't get to a benefits meeting because of coronavirus.
Telephone Advice Line: 0300 330 9071
Opening Hours – Mon to Fri 10:00 - 16:00
National Debt Charity 'Christians Against Poverty'
Please contact Lynne Moody: 07542288551 (Telephone advice only)
> Bolton at Home Money Advice Team
Telephone: 01204 328000
The 'Money Advice Team' offer free, confidential and independent advice on a full range of money matters to anyone living in a Bolton at Home property.
Salvation Army (Telephone and email advice only)
General: 01204 651 137 -
Debt Advice: 01204 282 075 -
A free debt advice service that can contact creditors on a person’s behalf to explore and negotiate options like repayment holidays and more realistic repayment plans.